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"Jesus didn't start a religion"- With Doug Burleigh

A $300 a month job, with very little status or perks, upended his career trajectory and shaped Doug Burleigh's next 50 years. As a "Young Life" summer camper in his teens he uncovered what a relationship with Jesus looked like. After excelling in academics in high school and college, it appeared he'd laid the ground work for a career to skyrocketing career with several lucrative and prestigious options. But the God inspired decision he made at that point changed everything, as he found his passion and success was found in helping to change and shape the lives of young people and later to share the Gospel in he most god forsaken parts of the world.

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This Amazing Greats episode traces a truly  fascinating life of serving.  Doug's  Jesus-focused mission was not about promoting religion but rather was laser focused on building relationship.  Relationship with Jesus and relationships with young people in Young Life and relationships with people around the world at Prayer Breakfasts, and other Jesus gatherings as far away as Russia, Ukraine and other countries from the former Soviet Union, South America, and right here at home in Washington DC.    Through a  Non-denominational, non-political group called "The Fellowship" Doug continues today reaching out and sharing the love, grace and  good news of Jesus.   

Inspiration, and wisdom  are the hallmarks of this conversation with Doug Burleigh..  Enjoy!  

Amazing Greats is a dynamic podcast series that takes you behind the gated worlds of well-known authors, artists, athletes, actors, musicians and business leaders who aren’t bashful about discussing God’s role in their careers and private lives.  It is hosted by our fun-loving and seasoned radio personalities.  No preaching or teaching —just awesome, authentic stories that you’ll hear nowhere else.

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